Terms & Conditions
1. General Terms of Use and its Acceptance
The following legal notice regulates access and use of content in the Website http://andersentax.co.il (the “Website”) is owned and managed by Andersen Tax | Beneli. Its use will be subject to the following terms and conditions.
By using this Website, you accept this terms and conditions and submit to them. If you do not agree with this terms or with our Confidentiality Policy, we ask you not to use this Website or the services provided. Otherwise, we will you to have accepted its terms.
Using this Website implies fully acceptance of the conditions and terms specified by the General Terms of Use published by Andersen Tax | Beneli at the moment the User access the Website. Therefore the User should read them each time he/she access this Website, because they may be have been subject to change.
2. Terms of Access and Use of the Website
As a User, you commit to make use of the information, content and services accessed through this Website, respecting the Law, good manners and this General Terms of Use, as well as respecting other Users.
Users will renounce using any of the materials or information contained in this Website with illegal purposes and those specifically forbidden by this General Terms of Use, as well as the particular conditions that, at any time, may be implemented that may be contrary to the rights and interests of Andersen Tax | Beneli, its employees and/or third parties. Users will respond against them in case they infringe or fail to carry out such obligations and/or, in anyway, (including introduction or spreading of “informatic virus”) harms, renders useless, overloads, damages or hinders the normal use of the Website content, information systems or documents, files and all types of content stored in any computer equipment (hacking) owned by Andersen Tax | Beneli, its employees or any Website user..
The User will be the only responsible of the truthful and updated information and data provided to Andersen Tax | Beneli, guaranteeing at any time their truthfulness and accuracy.
The User that does not fulfill the obligations mentioned will be responsible for all damages caused to Andersen Tax | Beneli.
3. Guarantee and Responsibility Exclusion
Andersen Tax | Beneli does not assume any obligation or commitment to verify information provided by its clients. Furthermore, it does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the Website. Therefore, it is not responsible of any damage of any nature that may be due to decisions taken, based on the information here published as a consequence of lack of accuracy, thoroughness, or updated information, as well as errors or omissions on this Website or others which may be accessed through it.
Andersen Tax | Beneli does not guarantee the access or continuity of this Website and excludes, as far as the current legislation allows, any responsibility for damages derived from it, as well as access errors to the restricted area, that may be due to any lack of diligence or infrastructure by the User. The User is responsible for taking the necessary precautions to check the non-existence of virus or any other type of programs that may be of harmful nature. Andersen Tax | Beneli will not be responsible for the existence of harmful elements, such as virus, that may cause damages or malfunction of systems, software, hardware, programs, documents and electronic files the User has. Similarly, it will not be responsible of possible damages that may be caused by the User or third parties.
You use this Website voluntarily and under your responsibility. Andersen Tax | Beneli will not be responsible, contractual or otherwise, for any damages, direct or indirect, unforeseen, emergent or punitive, resulting from access or use of this Website.
4. Links
This Website may contain links to other Websites managed by third parties, upon which Andersen Tax | Beneli does not exert any type of control.
Andersen Tax | Beneli neither manages nor guarantees these sites. Therefore we are not responsible of the linked Websites or the links contained in them. Andersen Tax | Beneli is not responsible of the content and information included in other Websites, as well as the terms of use and confidentiality policies published in them. It may not be interpreted that they are an extension of our Website or that we share opinions expressed in them or that we may have any interest or collaboration in the services provided in them.
Andersen Tax | Beneli will remove as soon as possible any link to any Website which content may be against the law, the personal dignity and which may cause harm, damage or lead to errors to the Users. Thus, we beg for your collaboration when you know of such aspects, asking you to write us an e-mail to the e-mail address: contact@andersentax.co.il
The member firms of Andersen Global cannot obligate each other and are not liable for each other’s acts or omissions. Andersen Global does not provide any services.
5. Copyright
This Website is under Israeli laws and is protected by national and international legislation on copyright.
All content shown on this Website and especially, brands, trademarks, and any distinctive signs contained in it, will be subject to copyright by Andersen Tax | Beneli. In addition, texts, pictures, graphs, icons, technology, software, as well as its graphic design and source code, belong to Andersen Tax | Beneli and are subject to copyright.
Moreover, except those cases where expressed authorization by Andersen Tax | Beneli has been obtained, the reproduction, copy, distribution, transformation, public display, security systems manipulation and any activity that may be undertaken with the content, information and the trademarks included in this Website is forbidden, as well as its source code, images, design, presentation form and selection of the materials included in it, whatever its purpose and means used to it.
If you want to formulate any suggestions or comments, you can contact us through e-mail to contact@andersentax.co.il.
6. Applied legislation
The present Terms of use are ruled in all and each point by Israeli Law.
7. Acceptance of Website Terms of access and use
Access and use to this Website, as well as its services and information included in it, implies acceptance of its Confidentiality Policy and the terms specified on this General Terms of Use. If you do not agree with them, please do not access or use this Website.
8. Contact data
You can send your comments to:
Andersen Tax | Beneli
Beneli Tax Boutique Ltd.
Hanechoshet 3, Building B, 4th Floor
Tel Aviv 691087, ISRAEL
Telefon: +972 3 654 3313
Telefax: +972 1533 654 3313
E-Mail: contact@andersentax.co.il